Author: equipe

Revolutionizing Cardiac Regeneration Cardiovascular diseases remain a leading cause of mortality globally, with over 18 million fatalities occurring each year. For example, in acute myocardial infarction (AMI), which results from acute obstruction of a coronary artery leading to inadequate oxygen supply and permanent damage to the heart muscle, the mortality rate is up to 10% within 12 months after hospitalization. Current approved therapies mainly address symptoms rather than the root causes of the disease. Eventually, many patients do not respond adequately to treatment and might progress to congestive heart failure. In the most severe cases, heart transplantation is needed but organ supplies are limited and waiting lists continue to grow each year. Therefore, the field is in need of innovative therapeutic strategies. Autologous cell therapy, which uses the patient’s own cells to repair and regenerate damaged heart tissue, presents a promising alternative for cardiac regeneration.

Lisbonne, Portugal — Chez les patients présentant une dysfonction persistante du ventricule gauche après un infarctus du myocarde aigu, l’injection dans l’endocarde d’une suspension obtenue à partir de cellules souches CD34+ autologues (ProtheraCytes®, CellProthera) permet d’améliorer la fonction cardiaque, selon l’essai de phase 1/2b EXCELLENT, qui vient ainsi valider l’efficacité de cette approche...